Fantazja - świat kolorów z HPP cz.2 / Fantasy - the world of colors with HPP no.2
Do dnia dzisiejszego od ponad dwudziestu lat zapisuję na kartkach pamiętnika swoje myśli, marzenia, relacjonuję wydarzenia z mojego życia. Gdy czytam pamiętniki, uśmiech od razu pojawia się na mojej twarzy. Miło jest czytać o tym co już uleciało z pamięci, zaskoczyć samą siebie własnymi zapiskami i zauważyć jak wiele barw jest w moim życiu każdego dnia. Dzięki mamie zaczęłam pisać pamiętnik. To właśnie ona zachęciła mnie do tego pierwszy raz w czerwcu 1992 roku. Pewnego dnia w moim sercu zakiełkowało pragnienie połączenia ich wszystkich w jedną wspólną opowieść. I tak oto powstała „Fantazja – świat kolorów z HPP” a zbliżający się Światowy Dzień Chorób Rzadkich jest idealnym czasem na jej publikację
'Fantasy, because fantasy is to have fun entirely' - those are the lyrics of the song sung by the group called 'the Beans', song that I used to listen when I was a little girl. Lyrics I consider as valid even now, when I am a grown up. It brings to my mind my childhood years. Even though I was a child with HPP those years remind me of love, joy, smile, and a sense of security. That's the world where having a little spark of a child inside me I walked into adulthood. Fantasy is nothing more but a world of colors, the colors of the rainbow illuminating the overcast sky seen in the thoughts. All colors interact with each other creating a beautiful melody, which was composed by the nature itself. Someone once said that 'color resembles music in many aspects. If you play one note, this means little. If you collect more notes into one, the melody will arise. This melody can be loud, aggressive, peaceful, harmonious. Use systems of colors like the melody and think how annoying it is when someone is forging'. My life looks the same way, its every step, every person that came across on that road can be seen as a particular color. As in the rainbow, people and situations create my living rainbow, which assumes all the colors and to see them I try to 'open my eyes to the world beyond the world'.
Until today for more than twenty years I've been writing down in the pages of a diary my thoughts, dreams, I recount the events of my life. When I read the diaries, a smile instantly appears on my face. It is nice to read about what has already flown away from the memory, surprise myself by my own writings and notice how much colors I can find in my life every day. Thanks to my mom I've started writing a diary. It was her who encouraged me to do this for the first time in June 1992. One day in my heart sprouted a desire to combine them all into one common story. And that's how it was created: 'Fantasy - the world of colors with HPP'. What is more, the upcoming Rare Disease Day is an ideal time for its publication.
A wonderful idea - I'm looking forward to reading your blog entries every day until 29 Feb!